Art and Faith

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Ilya Repin. St Nicholas Prevents the Falsely-Accused from Being Executed. 1890

00 Ilya Repin. St Nicholas Halts the Execution. 1890.St Nicholas Prevents the Falsely-Accused from Being Executed

Ilya Repin


Sunday, 25 April 2010

Pavel Ryzhenko. He Chose Faith! The Martyrdom of St George the all-Victorious. 2002

He Chose Faith! The Martyrdom of St George the all-Victorious

Pavel Ryzhenko


Thursday, 6 December 2007

Ilya Repin. St Nicholas Prevents the Falsely-Accused from Being Executed. 1888

00 Ilya Repin. St Nicholas Prevents the Falsely-Accused from Being Executed. 1889

St Nicholas Prevents the Falsely-Accused from Being Executed

Ilya Repin



Today is the feast of St Nicholas on the Roman calendar. For my Roman friends, I offer this picture of good St Nick (the real thing, not Santa!). As for Orthodox who use the Roman calendar, that isn’t a good thing, but I agree with the late Archbishop Antony Bartoshevich of Geneva. It’s an error, but it isn’t heresy, so one shouldn’t break with people on that ground. I find “Old Calendarists” and their ilk both tiresome and a bother. They wish to fight and dispute over the smallest deviations from their fancies. We should be better than that, and we should show the love of Christ to one another, not the disputation and discord of Hell.


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